Insightful Mind Counseling Services, LLC
Telehealth Counseling (Florida & Texas)
In-Person Counseling in Orlando, FL
Supervisor for Registered MHC & MFT Interns of Florida
"If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete."
- Jack Kornfield
Supervision Services
Qualified Supervisor for Florida Registered MHC & MFT Interns
LMHC (MH#15032)
LMFT (MT#4120)
Dr. Bennett aims to integrate supervision strategies that will prepare and motivate supervisees to be effective, curious, and responsible helping professionals who will serve their clients, the local community, and the greater whole of humanity by working in partnership with a diverse clientele in an ethical manner and within a multilevel perspective of interacting systems. This is accomplished by providing and overseeing a range of supervisory experiences that will assist the supervisee in their continued development of competent intervention skills, therapeutic abilities, ethical practice, and solid professional identities.
Dr. Bennett utilizes the Integrated Developmental Model along with mindfulness-based and cognitive approaches, focusing on counselor professional and personal development, self-efficacy, self-other awareness, motivation, autonomy, and self-regulatory processes. Other important areas that receive attention in supervision include: (a) counseling skills, (b) personal wellness, (c) multicultural and diversity considerations for self and clients, and (d) client/case conceptualization.
Supervision options include: